Municipal , Agricultural and Industrial water Supply

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Locations and Areas of Services

Supplying water to different areas in the country

Telecommunication and
data transfer systems

During either Design or Construction of Project phases , The assigned Authorized teams adopted a very modern high technology of Telecommunication and data control systems .

Electrical Power supply and distribution

The power supply and distribution systems used high quality material to extend design life of the project operation time to it's longest .

Pipes used in Project

Mainly the 4 meter PCCP's pipes are used to collect water from the field ares to be pumped into an other PCCP's which larger to convey the water to the coastal area .

Mechanical Engineering

Through the Project wide mechanical fittings and tools are used at top most internationally branded names ,  Project   Site experts extend their experience  from the construction through operation .

The water is the source of life Therefore we must care about it

Images from sites during construction period

The below posted images illustrated the massivity of the Project


a little about our company…

Project Basic History :-

The project is owned by the Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA) and funded by the Libyan Government. Brown & Root and Price Brothers produced the original project design and the main contractor for the initial phases was Dong Ah, with Enka Construction and Al Nah acting as sub-contractors.

The preliminary engineering and design contractor for phase III is the Nippon Koei / Halcrow consortium.

The Frankenthal KSB consortium won the pumping station construction and technical support contract, with SNC-Lavalin responsible for the pipe production plant O&M.

Libyan Cement supplied the concrete. Thane-Coat and Harkmel provided pipeline coating services, while Corrintec supplied the cathodic protection system.

ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik provided technical services for the excavation planning, with a number of local companies carrying out elements of construction and ancillary work.

Main Conveyance pump Stations
Blow Off Structure

Water blowing off for maintenance purpose and re-opreation

Well pump installation

During pump installing process the above photo was taken while the 

team were processing the well pump installation.

Total water production this Y-2020